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Back to Class Competition

September 1 - September 30

Throughout September, it’s time to hit the books – or, in this case, the gym mat! From September 1st to 30th, join the Back to Class Competition and see who can ace the most Group X Classes to win a prize.

The top three members who complete the most Group X Classes will win:

  • 1st Place: A one-month membership, a 50-minute Elevated Wellness service, and a $50 AquaVie gift card.
  • 2nd Place: A 50-minute Elevated Wellness service and a $50 AquaVie gift card.
  • 3rd Place: A $50 AquaVie gift card.

Keep an eye on the digital boards to see who’s topping the class charts each Monday. The top three winners will be announced on October 1st!

*Members must complete at least 55 minutes of each class and are responsible for legibly signing in to each class using the paper rosters.


September 1
September 30